2016 Program – Vocational Training Program

This state-of-the-art vocational training center in Makurdi in Benue State, Nigeria, was founded in 2016. It is equipped with commercial machines for sewing and design, as well as computers, tablets and printers for classes in computers, science and math. The teaching staff includes professional designers and tailors, computer professionals and science teachers.

Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center (TFVC)

The Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center (TFVC).


Dr. Tanimu - opening speech

Dr. Tanimu, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony of the Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center on August, 12th 2016.


Students from the Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center

Students from three of the training units at the Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center.


Students in the science training program

Students in the science training program follow the material on tablets, with guidance from their teacher.



The science and computer training units

The science and computer training units in the center are equipped with new computers, tablets and printers.


computer training classroom

The computer training unit at the Tanimu Foundation Vocational Center.


trainees attend computer class

Various trainees attend class and use the computers during a computer training session.


five computer training students

The first five students to receive free computer training at the center.


training area with new sewing machines

The training area for the Fashion and Design unit is equipped with new sewing machines.


students of Fashion and Design

Eight students of the Fashion and Design Program are led by their trainer.